only is unhealthy and he does not value it.

We all hear disparaging or contemptuous remarks about "fairies," "Niggers," and Jews, etc. which are offensive. But we should consider the source and nature of these expressions of hostility. If people really feel that minorities are inferior to them would they have any motive for repeatedly asserting their beliefs without provocation? No, they would not. Actually superior people do not call it to other's attention because they have no motive for doing so. Unprovoked hostility is a symptom of inadequacy or more specifically frustration. The person who "looks down" on others does so because he wants to; he is trying to prove something. When another person is condescending or hostile without adequate justification the mature person merely views him as an offensive person with a problem but does not learn to dislike himself as a result.

While the lot of the minority person has traditionally been hard, is the position of the members of the dom-


news & views


Harper's Magazine has had several issues lately in which noteworthy articles have appeared. The October issue contained an important article on how much "news" is reported by the "news" magazines. We already knew how much they mishandled articles concerning homosexuality, but it seems that this inaccuracy is typical of most of their reporting. And


inant group always enviable? When a man faces a woman in court isn't she usually right and he usually wrong? Isn't he usually guilty of whatever she wishes to accuse him of? Is there something wrong with feeling lucky when reading about the millions of guys who pay alimony and child support, and the thousands who go to jail or prison for non-support or desertion. Is the guy so bad off who never has to worry about unwanted pregnancies, divorce courts, or stifling family responsibilities? Discrimination: What about the thousands of guys who get 5 years for statuatory rape because of being seduced by minor girls, even prostitutes? What about the guy who gets 20 years for crossing the state line with a woman who was willing and may have even suggested the idea.

Finally, homosexual, think of your host of happy memories, of the joys shared, and the priceless friendships you have and hold. Would you have all of these if you were not what you are? Aubrey Bailey

Harper's for Dec. has done what no scientific journal has been brave enough to do in reporting the results of a scientific investigation into the sex knowledge and attitudes of medical students. No wonder the general public is so misinformed! The January issue of Harper's has an article titled "Sex and the Law" by Harriet F. Pilpel, who has spoken for ONE and writes for Publishers' Weekly.

Playboy continues its series on sex with the printing of the radio show on which Hugh Hefner, Editor, appeared with 3 religious spokesmen. December Playboy also has a science fiction story in which homosexuality plays a part,